Tuesday 25 December 2012

Pelengkap Hidupku - Eren Ft. Romi

Best lagu tok... really nice... ;)  last time when i first heard of this, macam biasa jak, but then Nona keep playing the song ulang ulang and ulang, ended up when aku balik rumah, the song masih ada dlm palak..enjoy!!!

Sunday 23 December 2012

toddlers moddlers

Remember from the scene "Home Alone"? where they whole bunch of few families running all their way tru is it jfk? and suddenly one kiddo the little hero salah orang and tagged along with his "wrong"dad... hihihi ... kita depan tv when we watched it we laughed but boy when you are in their shoes, feels just like oggy and the cockroaches ... im not talking bout tagging to the wrong person, no non no.. im talking bout things which are bigger than that... big bigger biggest biggesstesddsdsdsdss....

Travelling with toddlers ..
More than one ...
Or maybe for some, only one..
but feels like ten of them..

On our last holiday trip, we all went back to Miri, including my sis and also her the chickidies..(eh best la doc nok rawat ain tok...)...apuuuuu exactly like the movie its only on smaller scales ..with me holding  shasha in my other hand and the other holding  my big SJ black bag and sekotak besar ELC castle ,Deana with her handbag and Fahad in his carrier , Mommy with her hand luggage ( dah lah ada jag kaca in the beg!!!)  was looking after Sara and Daddy, also with his hand luggage bringing Adam's in his stroller. Daniel have to bring apa apa yang lebeh..

you know, with Shasha and Sara ,even  if you put them in one or two kilometre  radius apart , they can make this whole Miri go hay wire upside down, so what to say when they are TOGETHER!!!! One thing that all those glossy mags never mention is , DONT BE FOOLED BY THOSE CUTE LITTLE TINY HANDS .. AND FEET. 

and i wonder from where they got all their energy..

So you can imagine kan, the whole scene... it seems like our throats are holding tight on their lives just incase it might pop out when we start rising up our voice to the kids.. which happen pretty frequent i believe.

and even in the flight we have to separate the seats... Sha was seating with me and daddy and Adam, sera and the rest sat just behind us...but not even twenty minute in the flight , sha dah buka the seat belt and standing on the seat facing behind talking and playing with Sara..Oh and they can even argue about pancakes.but its my bad tho.. i should have ordered two pancakes, for each of them.. after time makan, they started again....  lucky due to the space constraint , they cant do anything much,  but still..

So.. now after bebelas taun, now i know, that home alone thing..its not kidding man... it can happen to anybody...if your anaks are  just like ours, use harness, put in the stroller or maybe you can tie a ribbon together on both of your hand and theirs, as long as they stay with you especially in crowded area.

But thinking of it.. they are  only 4y,3y,1y and 6 months old...when they are 8 7 or 6 i dont think any harness or stroller will fit them!!.. omg time ya lagik bahaya..

.scratch scratch...i just cant imagine...


Saturday 22 December 2012

zzzzzzzzzz from thousand feet from d ground. . .

As im typing this,i m (yaawwwwwnnnnn) not at a petty sight to see. I spend my time grooming myself this am but ended up feeling like a cat after beatened by a dog whose eyeing after my milk . . . can you under(yawnnnnnnnnn)standddddd  the feeling?

im always like this when i am travelling alone. . i have  prepared mags and books but after a few flip,i lost my interest(eventho before that i was as excited as a jumping dog)(yawwwwnnnnnn sampe keluar ayek mata)

the worst part is the fall into zzzzzzzz mode. .  like what i am facing now. .my mind stpo wlokkibng. . see,i cant even spelled properly. .or maybe its an alien language,since im so high up in the sky my mindwave somehow connected to one of theirs who work as the sky ranger here. . you know. . just like a border between country. . . .

eerrmmm    . . .why are these two uncle sitting next to me both angkat at the same times?is my radioactive waive too strong that they need to run from me?frawningggg. . nop. . both of them came back. . washroom?i wonder if they washed their hand or not just now. . you know,just like some guys who happily went to the gents and when they finish,the smile to the mirror as if looking to a hot girl ,slowly flashing their smile while they adjust their pants and wash their hand and bangggggg..  the put their hand back in their (oh i got the alien waive again!!!)pants to checking whether their thing is in place or senget ,then if senget they adjust. . . .with that they pull back their hand,with face still smiling at their imaginary Kim K in the mirror,they swiped their hair. .ooooppppsssss. .  you just pull out your hand from you pant bro. . .sooooooo imagineeee. . 
aiyok. .i even got tired of imagining things here in the sky. . .(not so sexy pouting mode. . .infact,type which you wish you dont see)

hhhmmmmm. .  why am i getting a watsaps message ? whose wifi ?!??????. .  thinking mode. .

seeeeee!!! i told you we have an alien here!!!!

ps i was searching for this post all these while during my holiday,now baru jumpa,main hide and seek lah pulak. . (hihih actually i forget its under draft). . .so this post is officially 17 days late. . nasib bait tok bukan mcmc,mun sik tentu dah ada kenak denda sebab lewat. . ehhhhh. . its remind me ,i do have outstanding saman!!!shoot!!! where did i put the slip!!!!@#%&/%#

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.8

Sunday 16 December 2012

my "i dont know from where it comes " weight...

... my weight, in this past one month, has jump over the moon and shoot to 61/62..  ok im not that light before for me to use the word shoot, but still, it shouldn't  be that way. it made my blood shoot up instead, shocked to see the number..

And this am I discovered something even bad.really badddddd..bad as in level 5 tornado badddd...


I was looking at our pictures while from my cam... aduhh.. bukan main rasa tek mula mula  maok tengok orang  badan ala kim kardashian ka, jlo ka , and whos that blond sexy woman, oh Christina Aguilera atau pun paling paling pun Khloe ..

slap slap with my own  selipar jepon...reality slap at my face without giving salam... huh...

should i call 999 to report on this????

... do you think UN will entertain me?

at first i want to blame the shirt..

no ..  i am blaming the shirt ..and still blaming it..just to take my guilt away by few percent atleast..

you know, the kind of shirt where the shoulder drop till half of the arm..and the body of the shirt itself actually make the person who use it will look bigger instantly.

BUT>>> taking a word from somebody whom i dont know and change it a bit " kalau kurus tu pakai baju kecik ke besar ke tetap nampak kurus, tapi kalau dah gemuk tu pakai baju ketat ke kecik ke besar ke tetap akan mcm balak jugak"  ..in my case , i look like an oversized bean bag chair.

this is a crime!!! i  am not aware of this increase of weight thing , and  i want to protect my right ..my body punya right!!and also my mental.. !!! tell me which woman if any who are in the right state of mind who are not disturbed when seeing a familiar strange looking potato  starring back at them from their holiday picture...

so who should i consult to check whom should i sue??

ps: this post..the first few words was typed before my holiday... then i didnt manage to finish and publish it but it looks like my weight did catch up on me instead.. ..

Tuesday 4 December 2012

A little thing to think about...

When you look at people next to you, be it your colleagues, or anybody who stand next to you in the lift ,smelly or not, or the pretty girl who is picking up her nose in the car, or the tukang ambik sampah, anybody lah, do you stop and wonder what is actually going on in their life.. Usually we always want to know artisla princesses la, tukang bola sepak la, menteri la, but those are famous people.. how about people like us? the ordinary somebody..

Usually kan, for me, im more toward materialistic thinking, or outside of the real person itself.. "wah she is using the new mono""wahhhh where you bought the shoes , cantekkkkkk""do you thing its ori? i dont think so eh...it cos more than 10k , so why she is using slipper then?" you know, that kind of thinking...yang always make men scratch their head in disbelieving..

Maybe its the environment of my workplace which make me that way..not in the bad way i mean...its just that when you see people so banyak in your life, you tend to take only the outer layer of the person and leave the inside only when you let your guard down. Like us, i dont think we  have time to pause a second and look into the customers eyes trying to imagine what life he is having.. ahhhh! by the way, i did tried once to pause and look but unfortunately it took a wrong turn and the customer slowly backing up from me, he thought i want to flirt with him!!! if i stared into his eyes a second longer i swear he'd ran straight to police station and lodge a report on me..!

But how about those who are close with you? not close as in couple where you can recognize whis sweat from meters away, but close as in friend. Do you ever stopped to wonder hows actually the life or you take it all at the face value from whatever they told you? or you just assume?

This evening i got to know a story.. from my dear friend which all this while i ASSUMED that everything is ok with his life. Then the story unfolded tonite. He is really good at controlling the emotion and he is a good man indeed. I asked him straight away why the tooootttt he took three years before he told me this.. he said he need to see and understand me first for him to let his guard down, due to some sensitive issue.. haiyo mannn... you know how open i am ..but my respect heighten with the explanation, it shows that he thinks before he do thing. And with each explanation, i wonder how he can make it... i hope the situation improve for you my dear friend, like you always told me, there must be a reason God put us in this place and in the situation...

So for me, tonite did teach me something .. what you see might not be what you get .. Dont assumed anything cos when you assumed, the next words which come out from your mouth might hurt the feeling of your friend ..


Monday 3 December 2012

Flu flu go away

''hello 999"
" 999? help me pleasee...!!"
"calm down mem.. now may i know what happen and your exact place please?"
" ya! i need you to find my nose.."
" pardon me ? your nose?are you in any kind of accident mem?"
"no no.. i just need you to find my nose.. its been running all over town since yesterday.."

huuuhuhuhuhuhu im running down with flu... yup... i got it yesterday , just after i cried myself for hours after seeing my baby sha leaving . stupid me i dont know why i need to follow them instead and ask them to drop me at the office. bukannya sha yang nangis, aku yang telebeh lebeh.. but its not terlebeh lebeh, its just that i  am missing my sha so much..

So after sobbing all the way from etiqa to my office , with tears just like Niagara falls , and masuk office then sobbing my whole heart out again, the system inside me gang up and start jumping all over me.. i started my flu, then down with slight fever and even want to pitam on the escalator ..actually i never know how pitam is, saja jak guna words malaysia, but i think it is pitam, when you feel semua darah tiba tiba lari nait palak shoot up ke atas and you go all dizzy .. sikkan high kottt...

and the rest of the day is sungguh tidak seksi.. i need to run to the ladies to buang my hingus and also couldn't help to sneeze kat luar sia.. biasa lah sneeze aku semua orang tuleh and laugh (if they dare) but yesterday boy im in  no mood in hearing orang laughing at my sneeze.. ada one time i sneezed more than seven time continuously ...

So thats why im calling 999..

p/s: dear God..since i've been down with flu and it seem like its only water coming our from my nose, can you change it instead and let it be my fat yang keluar? me want if it can make me drop my weight back to 50.Thank you.


Saturday 24 November 2012

(Official Song) Akim - Inilah Cinta (Akustik) (2012)

i love this songggg..hihiihihihih ..Mun ku nenga lagu tok kan tentu aku senyum senyum  macam orang kenak jackpot... lebarrrrrr jak, macam kata bos dolok, muka joker..hiihihi ...tapi aku sik dapat imagine ya Akim yang bawak...best , better dari yang ori version...Terbayang depan mata Am tengah mok  tackle si Ain ya.ngam ngan lagu tok yang kiut kiut notty  macam Am...enjoy ;)!!!

Thursday 15 November 2012

books..bookss.bookkssss...lom habis baca

Do you guys have addiction to buy books? Cos i do..Is it normal to do that?

But ...hihiihihiih... hamper setengah dari buku ya lom abis ku baca..eeeeeeeeee.... kalau yang ku beli time ku gik kecik lok ya nang kompom khatam dah lah ..but i was talking bout those which i bought maybe a year or two years back..

Im sitting next to my mini shelf,with maybe more than 30 mag, and roughtly around 20 + books..out of that , the book which i have read sampe habis-none...

my interest in more on hhhmmmmmm motivational and fiction..I have these three beautiful books,its Janganlah bersedih , jadilah wanita paling bahagia,Panduan Penting untuk wanita jangan terpedaya and Jangan bersedih. its all buku agama.. at that point of time when i bought those books, i was lost and i do need guidance at that time. Alhamdulillah it help alot..even if aku sik baca nya abis, but at least i know if i do need to hold myself strong in the future, i do have the book .. For now, i keep nya cantek kat sitok..

i also have the Leil Lowndes book on How to.. i was introduced by my dear fren Tulip to this book.. thinking of it, i have to thank Tulip cos she was the one who introduced me to the world of self motivation..Thanks Tulip!! I love u!!

Tapi yalah tek..beli tapi sik juak maca....bila ku jecling dari tepi tok ada buku leadership engine, law of leadership, networking and so on... and semua ya lom habis baca huuhhuuhuhuhuuhuhu....aku sik dapat baaaaa tengok buku best... tnt aku maok .. time tengok buku ya aku akan angan angan vbesa gunong yang aku kan maca ya at least three page perday...now, tiga baris pun sik sampe uhhuhuuhuhuuhuh...

on fictional, im the verylalaaaaaaaalalalalla choosy ........mun cerita ya best but jalan strory nya lambat , aku rasa pande ilang rasa fall in love ngan buku ya...hihihi currently yang ku ingat ku baca abis are hp series and adam and hawa... uitttttt adam and hawa ya siap khatam 5 kali dah...dakkah bagus mun aku baca quran giya kan? 

banyak gik books tepi tok.. i'll read it someday..soon k.. kira mun satu page pun dah ok kan, with my schedule and routine ...

While i was looking looking jeling jeling kat sebelah tok, tiba tiba i came up with one assumption . . Is it its just one of my way to channel the need to buy something...?? my boss told me that this am...but i love books...sooo sik patut juak kan??

atau aku jak maseh sik dpt nerimak kenyataan???i'll sleep on it.....nite nite!!



Monday 12 November 2012

My perfumes

This year my habit of perfume totally change. 

If previous years i was collecting perfumes, this year i guna nya to the max..back to macam zaman sekolah?

When mommy last time mula intro perfume to me , it was when i was in form 1.My first perfume was Tendre Poison..then followed by Lulu Blue then Jean Patou and by the time my age 16, aku dah lost count brapa i ever have . But at that time i used it, bukan kumpol, so i have lots of botol kosong time ya..and since nya kan cantek, so ku simpan la teeekkkkkkkkk...Few years back i threw it all, menyemak jak, penoh botol..

But by the time i reached 20+, i still like to collect, but i think since at that time kita dah mula ada duit sendirik and time ya gaji keja kat miri tok macam seposen jak, so aku beli but i guna pun sikit sikit.

Oh lupak..when i went to France , i bought like puloh botols? Masok sephora and Marrionnaud tentu akan bawa hasil semaian macam beras huma jak., sampekan i got the perfume carrier ya for free .. nak madah price murah agik sik juak cos its the same, except for pasya claim VAT dalnya..hihihiih.. hhhmmmm okelah ya considered macam sales kat duty free sitok juaklah. So with that , i can safely assume  that its  the main reason why ku sik bebeli gik for maybe one or two year. 

Then for a couple of years im in love with Victoria secrets..its all started with Diana beli for us the body mist. She bought me Strawberry Champagne , and being me yang supersentimental tok, the mist maseh ada in my drawer.. adik ku bagik so sayang ku.

And satu hari yang best, ada seorang guest dari Schlumberger datang check in . Ooooiiii and being me lagik, dengan muka sik malu ku puji and tanyak nya perfume apa nya pake.. Vanilla lace by VS..And since Miri sik ada benda ya, the only way was to order online.. i got it from somebody in Johor at that time.

And that was the beginning of my romance with VS..

Oh at the same time for few year ya juak ku terimak clinique happy as my birthday gift. Ku pake and within setaun nya memang akan habis.

But with VS, since nya tek body mist , apa gik aku, nang macam ber airbrush ngan mist ya. Vanilla and coconut, yummy and i always got compliment when im using it, which was 25/8 ..

But since last year, my scandal ngan VS menurun.. not my fault, but not VS either..its just that i couldn't find the one yang aku maok ,either vanilla or coconut ya..Since aku sik favor sweet buah pun bau, so i put my angan on hold. 

and i move on

Since then i bought dkny, coach , tommy dreaming, ck euphoria blossom,armani remix.
All in the span of less than a year.
and i finish it all.Average 2 months per bottle.

Now if you realise , my using habit bejangkit with the way im using the VS mist. Macam mandi with perfume. Still, as long as aku puas ati, then should be ok. My sis, my anak, my cuzzy pun semua gia , bait empuan bait laki sentiasa jak wangi .

So now after all this conclusion apa ya mbak??hihiihihiihih actually aku sik tauk juak.. i just want to tulis jak so that in the future when i  think" napahal ku gila dolok owh tiap duak bulan perfume abis??", then i go back to this entry to get the refresher.."" Owh, dear future me yang cantik ala kardashian itu (adui sakit perut pande selauk indah usus aku nenga)..just leave the thing as it is k. do not probe more why..nang Lina ya gila perfume dari dolok, so if now she use seminggu sebotol pun aku sik eran...take care future me.. i love you" 

P/S... tadik ku beli gik.. two from kch duty free.. one is Paris Hilton Passport South Beach yang bauuuuuunnnyyyyaaaaa sidappppppp and another one is Rihanna Reb'l Fluer. Bunga memberontak?hihiihiihih ...and got travel size PHP Tokyo.Happy !! happy!!!

                                                        xoxo                              xoxo

Saturday 10 November 2012

Bau belacan nasik lalapan

Almost every week last time kamek orang seopis opis akan pergi ke Shukie makan nya pun nasik lalapan..Asal Saturday "bah , lalapan".. and sometimes even on weekday ada juak nyempat.. Give them a call, order, kakya kitak drive jak pegi piasau ya and pick up..

Now its been a while since kamek orang makan sia tiap tiap minggu.. its still on but maybe once or twice a month.

And petang tadik kamek orang pergi Muara.. Also makan nasik lalapan ayam...

One thing yang aku sik tahan pasal lalapan  tok kan is the perfume yang amaaaattttt lah tahan lamak kalah sidak cd dak gucci dak polo segala.. 

Time order nya kan nang perut dah krok krokk...kkrrrokkk...mun boleh dak mun lambat sikit rasa makanan ya sampe ada ajak rasa maok  kita kedirik ngagak dapo ya , madah ngan daknya " pinggan nya mana mas,ini biar saya ambil sendiri" kakya ambik dua manok , sayo lebeh sikit,sambal banyak....pelik pelik jak mata tukang masak ya nangga owh..

Kakya time makan ya..huiiiiiii... apa lagik mun makan ngan geng , ne juak mulut makan, ne juak mulut beloya, ne juak ngan tangan ya nyuap, tangan ya juak mok molah aksi spontan .. nasib sik melayang jak segala bigik tempe segala  butir butir nasik arah muka dak orang lain...

Then the moment of truth datang...mun kat shukie  they always provide us with limo kasturi...every time aku cuci tangan i always use the limo without fail..

And the result..

Bau belacan no 5 nya tetap ada.!!!!!!!.uhhuhuuhuhuuhuhuhuuhuhuuhuhuhuuhuh

Aku dah makan maybe nearly seratus kali lalapan ya.. sejak zaman kede Surabaya gik..and never once the belacan fails to overcome my bau limo bau losyen bau perfume kat tangan ku..

camne ku maok explain bau ya owh....

bau belacan nyaman nok dah d campo banyak limo and di kisar sekalik dengan handwash dari watson or guardian.?

yang pasti tiap kali lepas makan lalapan ya aku akan sik renah dudok, gago tecium cium ngan bau jari sendirik..huuhuhuhuuhuhu buroknya rupa akuuuuu....but i really cant help it..dari seorang yang kiak kaong time makan ya tek aku transform jadi seorang nok self concious and blur blur.. 

semuanya gara gara bau belacan kat tangan ya...

Siapa siapa yang belom pernah cium bau belacan  lalapan no5 tok sila sila lah yerrrr...

owh, and the bau only ada if the cicah belacan nya nang nyaman... hihiihihiih... so mun kitak orang makan yet the bau is not prominent kakya dak, meaning lalapan sia sik lah nyaman gilak,,, ;) 

che's wedding..

A few orang tanyak why i didnt put the wedding pix..

we havent got the official pix gik actually.

but we have these!!!

More in my fb  but only till my bateri habis.. ;)snap snap fm bb at that time..

this only for yang nikah 010912.. later will upload mega 010912 and imperial  020912 .. ;)

Confuse state of mind

I got nothing to say this week.

Its not sik ada actually.. its just that im in a CONFUSING STATE OF MIND

Its all because of the  weight scale..The !@@#$%^&*(())_)_ digital scale.

i was in a bright mood these past days, week, even months..

It all changed on Tuesday,06112012..

Tengah ku tekayo kayo kat area sewing room mummy, aku tenampak penimbang ya.. Oleh kerana ku rasa dirik ku dah slim, dengan happynya aku nekan nekan button ke my profile.

and step on it...

and step down balit...and gosok my mata ....cannot be true??!!

So ku nait gik sekali..

its 61.2... its fcuk 61.2!!!! never in my life aku seberat tok!!even time pregnant i never reached 60 kg!! not even 59..!!!

And now the scale dare to tunjok kan the ridiculous figure!!!!!


i cant think.. now even after 4 days, im still unable to face the truth..

I am  traumatised by the whole thing...

Is there anyway i can sue the scale? 

Thursday 1 November 2012

PB ya bagus kah?

Semenjak duak menjak maok kurus tok nak ...(bunyi kereta belantak )..ok lah..pembetulan..semenjak duak menjak tok dakkkkk( kos memang dari zaman dino ku dah angan angan mok kurus) kenak aku salu terpiker gilak pasal pb tok owh?

Mun masok jak blog slim slim tentu banyak suggest corset PB.

Question is , is it betol betol bagus kah atau gimik semata, apa tek banyak org pb jd millionaire tek nak...?

Mun betol betol bagus kenak sik semua dak yang bejual ya badan ala rozita che wan owh??

Ada ku kenal kazen Nona si Intan ya, nya pun padah bagus.. but mun ngan nya ku cayak kos bodynya nang cantikkkkkkkkk.. PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT CANTIK TO MY EYES IS ALA ALA KOURTNEY K YA AND THE TWO SIS..and nya tek boleh jd Kimlah.. according to Nona last time sik, but then nya diet and pake ya ya jadi badan nya gitok..except for time nya mok nikah tok org kiri kanannya gago mdh nya gik gemok...oi kitak orang sia... cukup dah nya ya kacak gia owh, bukakla mata ya bukan kita tok zaman twiggie gik.. nang sah sah time ala kimora, agik mok mejal nyuroh orang jadi cicak rangka.. tedahnya bah..

back to pb.. 

Is it good and is it worth the money?

I do want to know more...kelak ku carik gik detailnya keh...


Sunday 28 October 2012

meow go to swiming pool

hihihihihih. . .

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.8
hihihhihihh pagi tadik time ku rengah cuci cuci kat area debah aku tetiba rasa mok berik pusak ku mandik.Myn ekot buku sejarah tingkatang tiga setengah,pusaks ku dua ikok tok dah duak purnama sik bersiram. . mala jak tertanggoh kerna mala tetinggal kapal. . . So bila jak ada rasa ku ya tadik mok merik dak duak mandik so cepat cepat ku masang baju pengakap,helmet astrounat ngan glove pemain golf. .oh jangan lupak boot pegi kebon. . . Reason being is pusak ku Lola ya akan bertukar menjadi doraemon versi ungly terminator. . . nya sik dapat cerik ayek. . . just like superman ngan cryptonite. . . So. . Aku mula dengan Tesha lok. . . Tesha mun ekot taun pusak umo nya dah 90. . as an orang tua nya paham asam garam dunia. . nya tauk apa yang bait apa yang sik. . pengalaman nya cukup luas. . . nya tauk nya perlu mandik. . So ku rendam terus Tesha dalam naldi berisik ayek and also shampoo mandik daknya. . meowwwww. . . meeeooowwww. . .mmmwwweeeooow. . nya beloya. . tentu nganok si Lola ya Meoowwww. . Mmeeeeeooooowww. . .MWEOWWWWW!!!!! Tentu nya nunggah Lola nyuroh mandik sama. . . Sik sampe lima menet lepas betukar ayek behos merik nya mandik ahernya ku engkah nya lam kandang before ngelap badannya. . YEESSS. . . one down.. and one more to go. . . . . . Now. . . Lolaaaaaaa. . . . Lolaaaa sayang where are you. . . . Lolaaaaa. . .meow meowwww. . . kakya nya muncol. . . ok baby come kakak embak jalan lok k. . . hihihihihi. . and terus ku angkut debah paip ayek. . . . . then nya transform. . my cute cat. . betuka jadi doraemon kenak rasok. . . Sia kmk duak wrestling. . . tapi aku takut juak guna sepenoh kuasa. . kos akukan tetap mnuaia. . . tedah kelak sik mena mena rulang nya patah d picit ku.. . Lima scond top nya udah lepas berekot dr aku. . AKU KALAH UNYUK KESAKIAN KALINYAAAAAAAAA. . . . What should i do. . . . huhuhuuhuu

Saturday 27 October 2012

Failed badly......pirated cd/dvd

Uyyyoooo... sik puas ati tok....

but what can i do, maybe im not that street smart enough...(tolong bukak kamus  lok, ada ka word  street smart?)

tadik ku beli cd..dari cover luarnya kan ui nang terang lah tok..printing kertas ya mun exam spm tentu kenak recommend join institute lukis melukis negara...terang kalernya..or masok institute photography kot...

So stupid me tadik berdasar kan cover cd yang cantek mata memandang ya tek, lalu la ngan confident nya ngambik ya from  the tempat...

NOTE: time pergerakan tangan ya melimpas mata aku, aku terpandang sukut tepi cd ya....sikda nampak nok salu nomo 9 tepinya ya....SIK ADA..salu mun nomo 9 komform terang

But, back in my head, still ya sik registered due to dikaburi oleh COVER NYA YANG TERANGGGG ya...

and tek.. tekimja kinja aku suk maok main cerita ya tek..dah ready with sebakol bajo depan pc tok..nasib bait sik berembak segala cucor pisang segala tumpik semua depan tok..

anddddd PLAY..

first thing kelua is the why we should buy cd gold bukan purple ya.....

ok... so meaning i did bought the right one.. yeeahhhhhhhhhh

kakya kelua intro suroh ku choose start playing.. aku tekan


??????????? what the shoes???!!

out of screen besa depan aku tok , nya SIK FULL.. ok ya boleh terimaklah.. copy dari cinema mantak lah tok...

TAPPIIIIIIII..... !!@@#$#$%%^&^*&&*yang paling sik tahan is when cerita ya kelua jak. rupanya macam blurrrrr jakkkkk... nang macam ayek santan nok dah diperah limak belas kali jadi kabor kabor sik terang sik sharp NANG SEMUANYA SIK..

SIGGGGHHHHH....panjang ya...

Lelah ku try kat semua application nok ada.. gik juak..

maok ku try guna kat player kat lua nun..tapi dah malam.. and aku takut hihiihihihiihihihi

PENGAJARAN..ringan ringan la mulut nanyak ngan dak sales girl kat kede ya k samada ya dah terang atau belom..they will tell....

huhuhuuhuhuh..rugi limak ringgit...

sunsilk and i

i dont have personal vendeta againts sunsilk tok. . but time ku nulis tok kan, nangggggg. . bebueh bueh atiku.  . .aku tauk ku nang sik ngam lalu ngan daknya tok. . . macam parang betemu pengasah,macam makanan ikan betemu ikan. .

first time ku make ya dolok,that was time baruk beranak ngan aboy. . time ya mak belikan. . .hhuhuhuhuhuh. mula okkkkk. . tapi kakyaaaa. . mula rambutku jadi macam akar bunga raya kaler merah. . hhuhuhuhuhh. .   time ya my hair pendek jak. . .tapi tetap juak sik kacak mun rambut dak mula jd pokok kat bakang hogwart sia. . . .

so pasya,lamakkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ku sik berhubung ngan sunsilk tok. . . putus hubungan.  . . . .

Dalam masa yaaa,banyak iklan iklan sunsilk yang best. . .  .but i know aku sik boleh ada hubungan ngan nya gik.   . sik sanggup ku kecewakan rambut ku buat kali kedua. . . aku dah berjanji ngan rambutku. . and aku bukan jenis yang memungkiri janji..

15.10.12.  . .  tengah tengah suk nangga tv,iklan sunsilk datang nayang dirik gik...

With 5 natural oils. . .

5 oilss?oils as in minyakkk.  . . . .

coconut. . .almond.    and tiga igek gik yang aku sik tauk. . . 

hhhhhhmmmm oils?oil kan umpama harry potter to voldemort,umpama zip kepada grease, umpama penyapu kepadadebu. . 

Hhhhhhmmmmm. . interesting. . . .ada ini bermaksud...  
aku dapat pake sunsilk?? ?

kan dolok maybe nya ada satum minyak jak ya maybe my rambut jadi akar rumbia. .  

now with 5. . . 

paling paling pun jadi macam  rambut kim kardashian kot. . .

whooooaaaaaaa. .  . kk  tuuuuuuu. .!!!!!!                          (tah dr sine. . . . )

So ari senen lepas,wit my  swinging monkey mood,i went  to watson.  .

and bought the shampoo. .

huhuhuhu. . .and waaaaa. .  . the next morning lalu laaaa aku tek rasa macam lam iklan..with my new shampoo and conditioner.. .

thennnnnn. . .. two days   later. . .

my hair look different . . .

bukan ala kim   kardashian

bukan ala elfira loy

huhuhuhu but   macam lady gaga pake wax gugok lam ayek parit tepi tiang letrik. . .!!!!!!!!!!

. huhuhuhuhuhuhu. . .

bila ku embak   ke kirik nya stay kat atas ya jak. .

bila ku ambak  ke atas nya gugok macam dalam iklan empuan berebut kat funfair ya. .

sik gugok terletak macam dolok gik. . .


straight away  aku belari g bathroom

rupanya rambut aku maseh sik dapat terimak kehadiran si sunsilk ya. . .

now  today saturday. . my hair looks ok. . i still use sunsilk ya tek,but in addition if its own conditioner,i need to tambah gik bodyshop hair conditioner banyak and also stay in schwarzkopf conditioner..  .that much stronger product just to get my hair sik stray!

hhh hhhhmmmmm better ku berik jakla shampoo ya ngan puan sri ya.  . loba beli botol besa. . mun dak pun pake berik mandik lola ngan tesha kan. . hihihihihihi. . . .

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.8

Thursday 25 October 2012


Siapa pernah makan kat dessert master sia? Mun ke sia tentu sik sah mun sik makan durian pancake nya kan????kalau dari jaoh rupa macam towel kecik kat kede duk ringgit di binggkus segi empat...hhhmmmmmm think i should upload gambar la..but marek lom gik sempat benda ya beposing nya udah check in dlm perut kamej duak Nona.

Dessert master ya gitok rupanya..aku pinjam gambar ya dari miricitysharing.com...(thanks !!) ..kat area 7eleven kat area boulevard. So before sampe 7 eleven , time kat cross junction ya(ya kah nama ya ?) , u pusin kiri, and tadaaaaaa. yanah kede ya belah kanannnnn...

and barang yan gpolah ku pegi sitok is this thinggggggyyyyy..yahhhh.. borrow pic from miricitysharing gik k... (thanks again!!!!)... marek aku dah excited dalam ya sik terkeluar gik bb pake ambik gambar.. hihihiihihihi ... 

Oh duhal si Dessert Master tok tek dah lamak bukak... cuma aku jak yang gik betapa kat debah tudong sarang kat dapor ya... aku baruk tauk marek..hihiihih sik apa yang penting aku dah tauk...

on this heavenly sent makanan kat atas ya, Nona yang mula intro time kamek orang pegi beli cuco kat area  sia..

"kak, kitak penah ka makan benda yang macam pancake ya tapi dalam ya krim durian ngan durian? Nyamannnnnnn kakkkkkkkk" 

"haaaa!!!sine sine??? kejap nona kmk ngoder cuco pisang lok"

"ha dah sepuloh menet gik ambik..SINE TEK NONAAAAA???"

"sik ingat kamek kak tapi nya area sitoklah.kat tengah tengah gitok nya"

"bah bah..ne nona ne nona.!???!maok maok maok!!!!!!"

"ha jalan kak, kamek rasa sitok bah..dolok kamek ngan Intan salu pegi sitok makan.''

"Aie kenak kamek sik tauk owh.!!!!!Nyaman kah Nona??!!!Ne Nona ne Nona???!!!"

"hah hah hah depan ya kak depan ya kak.. eh bena sik ohh..oh YA NYA KAKKKKKK!!! ya nok ada tiger ya.. tapi nya sik jual tiger lah.."

" ha nya ya kak nya ya kak""oh sik saba kamek nona" "wuuhoooo"
"yaaaahhhhhhhhh bah bah bah parking kita!! yanya ada parking!!!alhamdulillahhhhh!!"

before keluar kereta..
"Nona Nona..Ne diet kita tek Nona......???"
"hiihihihihiihihiihih . Sik apa kak."
"yalah o .alang alang kan"
"ha bah bah"

and we strut with our joker face...

at the entrance



hahahahahha aku sik kedah if i look like pusak masok kandang,sakai , yang penting beda nyaman dah depan mata....

Durian pancake classic 
Durian pancake Musang King' ..bia benaaaaa!!
Mango pancake....

i bought durian musang king , classic egg tart and Portuguese egg tart nya for Danel..

And inside my car..

"Nona Nona ne nya tek nona"

"ha tok nya kak, tok nya kak!!"

"bukak Nona bukak"

"aieeeee kakkkkkk, se suduk nya neeeee"

"sik ada suduk nya kak"

"sik apa nona  sik apa.. pake tangan jak kita"

"bena kitak kak......!!! nipis tok kakkkkk..."

"sekpaaaaaaa... makan jakkkkk "

ari ujan lebat kat lua.....

"kak kak kitak ambik dolok kak"

"sik apa kitak try dolok na"



"aie nona nipis juak pancake nya tok!!! ya rabb creamnyaaaaaa!!!! Nona ADA DURIANNNN!!"

.ujan makin lebat



"ooooo kak ada kita duak kenak saman kelak leka gago makan"

"ada indah kenak saman setegal makan ahahhahah..."

"aok kakya suakkan nya ngan benda tok kak..polis ya pande nunjok mintak indah agik"


and dalam hujan dala kereta on the road kamek duak menemui kebahagiaan ...

                                     xoxo                                             xoxo


Tuesday 23 October 2012

komplen Zalora boleh?

Huuaaaaaaaaa!!!! uhuk uhuks....

aku mok komplen pasal si Zalora ya boleh? huhuhhuuhuh citanya cam tokk...

Last week ku gatal gatal mukak zalora.. My first intention was to find white bloue (i'll talk of it later keh) . tapi seperti biasa always tersasar dr target..now i understand why malaysia sik maok ambik ku jd shooter..

ok back to Zalora.. browsed punya browsed, aku sangkut kat tiga pat igek kasut..KASUT bukan BLOUSE... but knowing my feet yang special tok, i feel limak nam limak nam sikit to order..

So, i decided to test lok on the sized...so ku ambik la sigek heel yang murah, namanya shoebidoobar lariat chain trim heel..and another one is also from shoebidoobar, flats yang cantik eh...so happily aku membayar......

and tadik saat yang ku tunggu tunggu tiba....hhhuiiiii punya lah exciteddddd!!! tapiiiii, bila ku bukak kotak nyaaaaaa ooowhhhhmaiiiggaaawwwdddddd.... KENAK KOTAKNYA MANTAK MANTAK TULIS LIUJUYING?CHINA MARI?SHOOOOOTTTTT!!!

Aku dah nait blur... first yang ku buka was the heel.. luckilyyyyy lah tek nya nang cantik... but yang second ya... hhhmmmmmm .. the quality is not there...ok lah ..munkin org padah hey its thirty plus jak bah so what do you expect??? ITS NOT THAT!! the thing yang buat ku bengang , mun dah dr china ya tulis la dr china jangan la tulis nama vogue ala vigue, tok sik.. luckily my actual purpose to order the shoes was to check whether that 35 dlm ya fit my feet or not but with this i dont think i ever want to order dari daknya lagik...

Ada juak terfikir want to get refund but apa tek in the kotak they already insert sekali return process.. sekali bila ku google, sik payah jak lah mengberik latihan tekan tubi kat atiku yan gdah sedia tercalar oleh daknya tok...nang banyaakkk pos madah Zalora penipuk , apa gik bila tiba time refund... oooshhhh i dont want to rugi twice.. dari ku hantar balik then sik juak dpt refund, better ku keep jak...

So now dah cantik dak duak igek kasut ya bermesra ngan dak keluarga baru kat shoe rack kat lua ya.. tahlah aku pun sik tauk gine dah lain can faham bahasa dak duak kasut ya , cos kan daak duak dari cina, dak lain semua other part of the world...Bialah daknya...


Sunday 21 October 2012

Wandering mindddddd....

Hhhhhmmm.... i want to buy something.. but i don't know whether i should go on with the plan or not..do i need it?hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm ...(lebeh tiga harakat,nang sampak lalu sik).. tapi napahal lah maok....? tok retinya orang nok sik pande puas ngan apa yang ada.. Alhamdulillah tuhan dah berik rezeki dapat bebeli benda segala, lagik juak maok membazer.. but membazer kah ya? hhmmm sik eh.... aku guna bah...bukan letak tepi pun .. ( sambil mataku enjeling atas closet,sia my LV dah betapok for few month..sayang mok pake)...make up bag ku ne? aku perlu ya bahhhhhhhh.. huhuhuhuh mun dak kelak mataku mcm plain jak... huhuuhuhuhuuhuhu..tapi ku mok guna ngan apa oowh?...blurrrr mode strike back... Hhhhmmmmmmm... actually kan .. aku pun blur apa ku maok sebenarnya.. my mind all cendoling up between a damier ,white blouse, chox lippy, red lippy, mascara...thats the reason all the reasoning di atas ya sik bekaitan lalu ... huuhuhuhuuhuh xoxo..

Saturday 20 October 2012

Kaka & Zizan - Bawaku Pergi [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

best lagu tok.. aku pun sik paham pahal orang mok banned lagu tok dolok.. shallow minded.. tok kan lagu si malique berik ngan bininya...hihiihih....anyway..zizan tok ada rupa macam dak hongkong pun gangster owh...jepun yakuza?ihihiihihiih..

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Red lippy?

Tonite ku tried lippy yang reallllllyyyy red. . red yang ala ala kreta bomba yang vogue sigek and also lipgloss yang deep maroon . .. aku tengok cantek but bila nya singgah sekejap kat my lips aku rasa macam hahahhahahah instead of wwooowwww. . .(imagine asuk bersiol kakya tersendat). . kakya tek ku mok ambik gambarnya. . bukan main jak tejueh juieh bibirku kat depan cermin ya tapi bila sampe camera lalu sik jadi.  hahhahahhahaha kurang percayak dirik when in come to red lips. . tanyak ngan sai pun no respon,lambatnya,bukan,nang sik ada lalu nya madah kacak,so nang jaik lah rupanya ngan aku tok. . . . hhhhhmmmmm. .  aku baruk mok order nars dari Yan,afgan red. . its either i have to learn to wear read or berekot g caler lippy lain..
Thinking of it, i dont actually use lipstick,sekali bila ku mok make aku terus guna red. . .ne sik san nyawa bibirku. . . tekejut. . .

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Sunday 14 October 2012

Sunday d 1512

pukol 6-7-8 pagi ari ngemas rumah . . if nasib bait by 11 kat tv room will still look mcm penganten baru,berias,semua in place.  .if nasib nya minghu ya sik.ngenak,as early as 930,our tv room akan transform jadi transformer nok kaler mirah muka jaik ya,megatron?. . .
Our current big cushion yang 4 igek ya pande berekot kedirik main gimnastik,bakol kak lipat baju ada sigek duak kat entrance sia(my bad,always aku mpun lah ya. . ) tempat engkah majalah main zeropoin kedirik ,kos tang semua jak kelua dari bakolnya,kaler mainan sha saling menziarahi sesam kedirik atas lante ya,taking their time mengenali each other as biasalahhhh. . zaman kinek semua sik kenal amtara satu sama lain. . jiran toybox sebelah pun sik dikenal. . .and today ada extra pelakon tambahan,sha pun pelempong. . .

So. . thats bout it sundays at our house. . oh lupak maok mention  . . . the whole day either the tv will tayang oggy ,or 701 ,or 703 and segala yang berkaitan makanan. . . and at the same time kmk orang kiak kaong nanyak shasha whether nya tengok or not tvnya yang katun 24 hours,ifnot kamek orang akan tutup tvnya. .  

Welcome to our sundays. . . :-)


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Saturday 6 October 2012


Actually... i got .. i think..(blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)... i dont know what to write.sigh.... It came to a certain point where i got lots and lots and lottttssss of things in my mind that i just cant put it all together in words... sikkan nak make signal language kot..hhhmmm never thought of it but i might try it someday.. ne tauk gajah pun boleh faham kecendolan dalam fikiran ku tok.Lalu masok Harian Metro... Dah awal bulan oc..(kejap..teroknya juak rasa keyboard tok atau maybe because i seat on the floor so i need to tekan more due to the angle??)ok sambong... Its dah early October ... cepat rasa nya taun tok.. tido bangun tido bangun opis rumah opis rumah , makan minum makan minum tup tup tang ada jak now dah 4th quarter..aih main quarter?? whoooooooaaa.. i talk like our CEO.. im playing with q.u.a.r.t.e.r. man!!...but yes cepat rasanya.. Mun dolok kmk orang gago ngan wedding cheche, now alhamdulillah semua dah settle..mun dolok juak kmk orang gago nunggu baby anoi lahir, now our Fahad dah jadi strong baby dah... mun dolok kmk orang excited nunggu raya now dah limpas dah...cepat eh... and coming soon, nunggu our year end holiday..kl johor singapore..mbak sidak mbiak main... sapa yang excited nangga lego tok elak? jangan jangan mak mak daknya tok.Anoi dah siap madah gik yang nya akan beli set sia hihiihihih..Mun aku , aku mok bawa sha g jalan jalan.. for myself im excited mok ke JPO.. kedong sik pernah tek nakkkkkkkkk.. So.. two more months to go... mudahan cepat.. best eh... oklah ... aku mok ngecek miri comm tok lok.. mok encarik kede binatang pun owner yasorang.. nya janji mok jual pusak siam eye bi color 100 % siamese with me... ya d tunggu tunggu ku tokk.. tentunya cute kan.. sekali nangga perange kedak Stich .. how?hihiihihih... Oh ya.. i got a new camera.. griiiinnnniiinnnngggggg like a joker :);) hihihihiihihihiihihi XOXO3

Monday 1 October 2012

....blur mode...

Its nearly 1pm ,the customers dah mula clear from the floor and I'm hiding in the ladies room..reason so? I'm in my blur mode..why?its all about my habit of SHOPPING Last nite while bloghopping,aku pegila sigek blog tok nok nang sentiasa d abas ku ya..tengah suk suk ku baca, ada sekali nya cerita pasal nya pun cuti and apa d belinya.. Terkeduk kedirik aku bila ku baca, she bought one or two item for each of her family including herself..total maybe ten or less..lamak aku tediam depan pc,berulang ulang ku tengok the quantity nya. Aku tediam bukan because aku rasa ya sikit gilak ..aku terdiam cos for me I'm in a shock state..kalau aku yang kat sia aku rasa I have to sewa airasia for moi..so the question is, if other people can shop only for yang daknya maok? Why not me? why not you Lina?? ....simple!!!!! Cos I want almost everything in the world minus anything related to pig and cicak...See!!!! I got the answer straight away!!! Hihiihih I'm proud I can recognise myself!!!.. And yet the question become deeper..why am I reacting that way? Not the proud of myself thing , but the "want everything in d world "attitude..so think deep Lina..u can do it.. I know from my reading it something to do with psychology.. Am i mentally ill?? looking at my past maybe juak oh...hihiihihihi..but really , i rad somewhere thats its related to the kekosongan pun feeling.. i might be missing sai or missing my sis or apa apjaklah feeling nok molah sik best..stressed? sik juak..i got nothing to be be stressed about..kerja?sik juak.. mun daddy cara to hilangkan rasa ya is to read alquran. but still my shopping attitude sik berubah.. OI!! enough thinking badly of yourself! you should be proud of yourself lina!! (( REASSURANCE MODE)) One thing for sure, aku bukannya angkut sekati barangpun..aku beli if nya kompom berkualiti..for me its quality over quantity..(kejap..anak ku ngengkah i donno whose gelang2 kayu to me.. oh maybe abang pun) its 11.45 pm.. Ok go back to my justification.. I need this to make me not feel bad.
 1. I buy only if i know its worth it. I dont go and buy just any thing..and this mean its worth for the money. There's no point in my buying lets say buying handbag but from the quality you know you can only use it maybe for three month then the bag dah rupa macam plastic bag buang sampah.. its also doesn't mean that i only buy branded bag cos i dont want to eat maggie mien for the whole month...i ever tengok mak punya ninewest very very nice but kakya setaun duak nya pun kulit tanggal. KLCC mari ya.. same goes to Sembonia.. Since then when choosing handbag im very particular of the material. High end handbag might be different. The price that you have to pay is equivalent to the quality and also the after service that you will get. LV, let say in the future my handbags tanggal ka apa , they can repair it for me , just need to send it back and after 6 to 8 week you dapat balit. they even can releather the things. At the same times there are korean bags yang cantik and also from the rupa i can tell its tahan. same goes to other things which i own. Tudung, baju, and shoessss especially. I love shoes , i have plenty but from my college time i've learned that sik semua kasut akan be with you till the end and not semua kasut akan polah me looks like victoria secret's angels..So out of hundred shoes in the shops maybe ada sigek duak ya ajak yang ku maok. Macam now my craze in pump with 10 cm or more heels. And black. I spend more than half of my waking hour in my office, so i need black shoes.heel.pump.stilettos.covered shoes..mana manalah asal cantik WWWHHOOOAAA!That's plenty of explanation..Tentu mok merik nyaman hati kedirik jak ya aahahahhaha..

 2. hhhhmmmmmmmmm...i buy if i like and i know it should look good on myself.. so kalau barang ya cantek sekalipun but i imagine me look like tapei pake skirt, i wont buy.. there are a lotttttts and lots and lots of nice pieces out there. Shoes. handbags. tudungs.shawls, shirt, skirts..but whats the point me buying and yet i wont be using it since i cant carry the fashion well?Lagipun im not into fashion. im more to my own style. Jeans. skirt panjang or pallazo and block colour blouse.. you wont find me in floral blouse , its just not my style.. so walau ada pun 1 nice piece infront if my eyes no matter how exquisite it may be, i wont buy..


 3.hhhmmmmm.. can i make one exception?? it's sha's toys... hhhmm i tend to buy colour pencils and colouring book for her. and barang angry bird. Her clothes shoes accessories socks , oh and bottles ,thattt , im very picky.. but for mainan nya, since with her current age yang akan mintak everything yang depan mata, i tend to buy her apa apa jak .meaning if i suka look at it i buy for her.fand if nya mintak mainan the easiest oftion is to go to the shop yang ada jual angry bird pun barang...cheap..and sik tahan lamak.. but sik apa cos sha will gago with it only maybe for week or two or even worse few hours jak...


 Today its 1.10.12. When i first started writing this post it was 29.09.2012...Boy, it does take a lot of time to mengexpalin diri sendirik... no wonder i dont become a lawyer.. if i do, kalah ajak semua client aku...lambat, mala jak kenak attack opponent ... Anyway...since i dah not in the blur mode gik, since i already make it crystal clear to myself, mari marilah menyinggah ke zalora... waiting for that steve madden heel to turun rega gik.. RM440 current... hihiihihiihih


Tuesday 25 September 2012

First day after 6 years..i hit the gym!!

Today 25092012..kejap mcm bedebu jak keyboard tok`XCVB621/.,M BV .. (the effect of dustng keyboard ngan kain kecik)...ok go back to my topic, today 25092012 , after brapa lamak tahun gajah.. i step out from my comfort zone .. i hit the gym.... hhihihihi maka dah setengah bulan register, yang aku sik juak sampe sampe ke sia...

Eventho the place nang macam dari thailand terbang ke papua new guinea jaohnya from my house, aku still tertarik menarik dengan tempat ya..bukan main in the first place i was like "no point, minyak ku ajak dah setengah if ke sia everyday" then it occured to me i wont be going there tiap aripun.. and time register ya memang menarit gym nya ya.. pernah juak ku kesia but cuma masok ke tempat makannya..

and today jam 7.15 gia dr office nuju ke sia.. loya loya sik terasa dah sampe..tuka baju kat toilet maka ada nya pun shower room dlm gym ya..nama first timer tek nakkkk... nasib bait org kat kounter ya friendly.. so  tauk juak kita serba sikit gine dlm ya... but bila kmk orang masok ya tek penoh tempat basikal ya..aku target cuma mok main basikal, kos kurasa aku sik mampu main yang lain due to my health condition ..Talking bout it , i went back to my car ambik inhaler..tertinggal..

So bila i want back ada sigek nok pake jalan ya kosong.. maok juak ku try so aku pun naitttt.. uyo aku rasa five minute top kakya ku turun.. dah nyengeh nyawa... nona nad daniel wah hebat nang sik berenti.. oooo aku asal aku selamat.. in the mean time ada ku tengok sorang pempuan yang tengah cycle sia.. badan besa but kaki ya rabb alus ehhhhh!!! .. i make it clear here, im not memuji. CALIIIIII BAHHHHHHH... badan pumba kaki timon!! ooooo ya jangan jangan yang akan terjadi pada aku if i continue with my plan to kayoh the bicycle ya ajak!!!! ohh noooooooo mannnnn, i wont let it happen to me!!!! Lina dear... from now on if you go to the gym gik you have to masok jak pintu jalannnnnnn straight to the runner k.. no tuleh tuleh ke bicycle ya okeh otherwise orang akan think you are macam giant lollipop on a stick.!

So... day one... day two bila gik owh.. ? have to do it rajinly .. weekend kelak ngembak dak kids pegi swim sia awal pagi.. sha dah excited dah...hihihihiih..

Monday 17 September 2012

Bila lagi ?

hihiihihiihihihi....i heart this..

and my most extravagant purchase for this year...

can i say it's a present for myself?kedong dah lebeh duak taun lam digi kan?(sambel molah muka cute kelipkelip mata..harus training lok pake ready bila sai nanyak kelak..)hiihihihiihihiihi mala jak present for dirik...
but kan harga ctok mahal ba compared to blah europe sia .. kawan ku beli burberry ketara bezanya between boutique d kl and sinun..jadi malas bila ngenang rega gia ,dapat beli cokolet cadbury sigek dengan beza ya..
ya tok bila ngecek ngecek rega chanel brooch ya hhhhmmmmm better i get somebody to buy for me d uk sia, and i know exactly who to ask.tentu nya kata"haaaa kan haritu i dah kataaaa, cantikkkkk..cubalah beli sekali gus aritu" 
 ....hhhmmmm.should i ?this year?hhhmmmmmmmm....
...thinking hard....
eh bukan supposed to be angan angan kah???
answer : angan angan ya la yang akan jd kenyatannnnnn


Sunday 16 September 2012

i saw this

..tekan tengah jari with kuku...to kuatkan ingatan..?

Last few nites after dinner we were talking about how michael cepat lupak with things nowadays..now even things which he just said to us he won't remember..ya ku madah I also got the same problem..terlebeh makan dori fish kot.. Ya daniel came out with one theory..to kuatkan minda one of the exercise is to tekan tekan thumbprint kat tengah tengah..kan thumbprint kita tek ada nok tengahhhhh middle ya ..so tekan tekan kan with ujong kuku kita ya.. So tekial kial la aku tek ngan michael tetekan tekan ngan jari.hahihiih macam orang yang senteng ya ada juak.. So sine kesahihan nya ? Ada kmk orang google ,memang ada ..hihiihihih..we see how's the result..mun lagik ku tekiak kaong or tiba tiba ku diam with muka blur ku,hhhhhmmmm tipu semata la ya..hihihiih

and know tauk apa keja ku? tengah maok sync my bb data to my pc...hihihiihih.... hhhhmmmm but i was aunable to do so...if in the office i always have daniel, but sitok ku mok tanyak siapa? uncle kat atas ya i dont think nya ada bb timenya kan?huhuuhuhuhuuh at last ku cabut usb simpan tepi...

Thursday 13 September 2012

yoyo ku bermula lagik

Just now when aku nait atas penimbang ....Ya RABBBBIIIIII..... gajah ka anak hippo nok berada atas bahu aku ya, tiba tiba jak number ya 62.1!!! haaaa???? imagine jak dlm a week can nait sebegitu rupa huhuhuuhuhuuhuhuh....dalam hatiku tok tenty baan makan acaiberry ya.. dah orang padah makan gia ada risiko berat badanku merempit balit more than yang asal, lagikkkkkkk juak degil maok ngambik leka berangan maok badan ala jam pasir tanjong lobang sia... nahhh tangga kinek tok apa dah jadi..degil lina degil padan muka kau

SOOOO.. pada malam ini, 13.9.12.. saya naik saksi bahawasanya saya akan tidak makan nasik untuk satu minggu ini.. makanla apa apa yang lain selain dr nasik.. mee sup ka, roti canai ka, rumput depan opis sia ka, makan jak kenyang kenyang asal bukan melibatkan sepisis dak nasik ya.. I DECLARE WAR!!!!

Oh ... aku lupak .. marek i signed up for GYM kat beach republic sia.... lupak maok ngecek marriott brapa owh?

Monday 10 September 2012

hihihiihihihihi yahooooo

YESSSSSSSSS(with muka joker!!) yesss yess yesss yess yessssss...... best nyaaaaaa....!!! hihihiihi bukan nya apa...aku baruk engkah pc kat bilit kuuuuuu... yea yea...dah berapa bulan aku pasang niat maok beli pc , dah survey survey pun and hampir hampir mok beli... tapi duak hari dolok time ku mentioned mok beli monitor daddy padah guna jak nya pun yang kat atas ya.. lappy nya nya dah berik ngan boy so monitor ya keseorangan d bilit nya..

tapi tah gine, rondeng punya rondeng, yang turun to my room is the one aboy was using all these while... lajuuuu crazy pig kalah mat rempit yang ditangkap marek...aboy tengah poling inlep wiht lappy, makin makin yang nya guna now is maybe 9 inch or ten.. kicikkkkkk jak...

kejap..gik terkial kial masang speaker.. test test one two three..

11.49. day one no sai... baruk pas tangga adam and hawa in youtube.... yabbiiiiiii aaron aziz yaaaaaa...nang gugok jantong ku tek tiap kali nangga nya payah beputit balit...best crita ya, tek yang ada dlm youtube is part 7..suk suk.. sik sabar eh nunggu esok esok tentu ada nya lam ya nok selebehnya .. jeng jeng jenggggg.....

best best besttttttt.....once upon a time maybe i ever baca book tok .. but now will hunt gik kat popular whether ada or sik.. mun ada boleh beli yea yea...

Friday 7 September 2012

dietku berenang renang ke tepian

Hihiihiihihhiihih ...I remember end og year last year..my azam..+ne of it is and still and selama lamanya "kurang satu kilo sebulan" Now dah bulan 9,jangankan 9 kg,0.09 pun sik ada hihihiihihihi...ne gaya? Makan,makan and makan...hobiku yang satu yang kucinta..then ada ati mok turun berat? And dalam bulan 7 ariya ku mula makan acaiberry..aiyooooo begitu ahhhhhh excited nangga dirik sik ada gago maok makan..dalam ati tek nang" uuuuuuhhhhh sik lamak nganti erra ku gamba iklan marie france..." Tapi after two week of usage,ngam ngam ku sakit..yang molah ku san bukan setegal ku sakit kos nang almost ari ari ku kenak asthma ku ya..tapi yang lainnya that time was my pulse..yarabbbiiiiii..nang macam kuda kenak kepong antu..dr asiah pun agak eran sebentar..hiihihiihi..but at that time sik juak tekeluar dari mulutku yang bocor tok yang aku guna acaiberry.kakya malam ya cuncun ada kat fb ku benda ya kenak banned..aduiiiii.alaaaaaaaa sik lah slim ku tokkkkk..depan mata terbang flyer aku tengah posing sambil tersenum manis d marie france huhhhuhuuhuh..tapi aku lebeh rela gik gia dari imagine ku tgh dikerat perut setegal acaiberry ya betuka jadi batu and segala limpa segala jantongku nganta surat resign.. And with that..dietku bye byeeeeee..sik apa lah..bak kata nenek ku tek nak.. Bagus badan ko ya..ko sik makan pun d padah orang cukup makan juakkkk" aie ada indah gia ..hihihi and presenting... my lunch for today...sidapppppppp

Thursday 6 September 2012

hari kedua after da very long holidayyyy

Olaaaaaaaa...setelah a vely vely rongggggg horidey, now I'm back in my office. Excited mula mula a day before turun, but bila on the day itself yesterday,ya rabbiiiiii.. Woke up at 725,supposed to go for breakfast with sidak office at 730..by 730 sha still tertonggeng tonggeng atas katil .. And bila sampe I was still in lost in new york mode..with the reports yang belom gik ku tengok ..we ended up with our lappies all under offlines mode from epm till 530..at five three zero,we were waiting for sidak deco to siapkan the malaysian day deco .. And now today????semakin menimbun ...huhhuuhuhuuhuuhu..

Tuesday 4 September 2012

first post for sep...hihiihih from clinic

Alooooooo....pheeewwwwwhhh..this was the first day after many many many many daysssssss that I can seat properly with any urge to jump up and run here and there like a blind mouse...reason why...? WE ARE DONE WITH THE WHOlEEEEE WEDDING THINGS!!! By 2nd of SepT 2012..11pm..yeeeeaaaa!!!! And now on the brigh tuesday am,bird chirping as if they want to tell me "hahhahahhaha u lose ur voiceeee..u loss ur voice.." Chanting all the time..eh kejap..I'm in the clinic..impossible laaa the burung go here too..cengkerik? Am I losing my hearing toooo?????helllllppppppp???? Tulungggggg!!!!! Kinek tok lam klinik dr Asiah..I like her..baru duak kali, eh no..tiga kali ku g sitok..lagipun covered by comp, so antara banyak banyak panel dr asiah jak yang betol jak rupa check orang or prob into ur sickness...yang lain yaaaa, nang macam dr superman..u can be out fron the room in less than one minute...Came on doc , I'm sick..and I want to tauk pahal ku sakit..so check la betol sikit or teliti sikit..if u just want to suroh me ngangak mulut,bila aku explain sikit pun u dah potong mcm hakim marah lawyer bengkeng,bagus ku agak jak farmasi beli ubat sia..sama juak..gik best at least daknya tanya sikit apa jadi... Tok tek baru pas jumpa dr asiah..saye suke saye suke..she tanyak tanyak more so that she knows what to give suitable or not and also option for me..two thumbs up ! Yang aku pulak..aku pun sik tauk paaahalllll laaa aku pande dapat ilanng suara tok indah..yang bestnya time wedding reception kat meha from ery's side, aku kenak asthma attack dlm lift...itu saya sambung itu lain hari okeh..mok carik sotong kangkong...hiihihihi

Thursday 30 August 2012

copppppp...breakfast lok

baruk ps hantar boy..dalamtime driving ya sakittt plakku..maybe cos
These couple week nang tido aher ajak jak n bangun before subuh..or maybe juak cos aku lom minum pagi...sooooo apa lagiiii..ambillah ksempatan
Ini untuk meassalamualikum kan mcd awal pagi...beli miyak lok tek
Cos minyak tinggal cukup cukup untuk goreng telur jak, then from the t isik  minyak ku pusing kirik masok drive tru...owwwhhhhh..sidappppppp...now dudok uk kat t parking ambil tangan ebelah megang sausage mcmuffin w egg and sebelah tangan tkial kial mok nekan bb...
Owh lupak...ku awal pagi tok tek dah kelua bukan apa...mok bbeli ubat asthma k kya mok bebeli vase  bunga  kakaya bebeli beg oa pake engkah telur pindang...owhhhh...lom update gk..and few days t go...m..kelak mun tb k ada dm nn cos now na di nak ngkatkan oeh alain or if ot my new pc kelak ku ngupdate nya keh..pake kenangan sepanjang zaman fr adnan family...taaaataaaaa.....

Saturday 11 August 2012

hangat hangat chix toooottttttttt. . .

aku pagi tok tek pnde bukak utube and searched for how to make a headband indah. . apa tekkkkkk. . craftmanship in me surface for nano minute,lalu laaa berangan anagan mok molah headband. . .lagipun cun time ya ku tengah polah ikat riben for one of the gift set time wedding kelak,so time korek mak pun craftroom,jumpaaalaaaaa riben riben yang wooooowwwww sampe gugok rahang. . .mun polah headband tok tentu kacak. . apa yanh ku perlu oh?at least mesti polah duak,one for sha one for sera. . . where to get the headband yang mantak ya lah?nok lom belilit apa apa gik ya. . hhhhhmmmmm,misi for today,cari the headband pas keja kelak ngeh ngeh ngeh. . .

ps: dolok ku ada polah criss-stich eeyo and pooh time daniel baruk lahir. . . dah twelve years ,lom gik siap siap. . . sampe daniel pun mdh "dah 12 umo kmk,lom juak siap siap pooh ya" . . . . . so go figure. . .hahahah. . once ku siap the headband,memang pingat emas olimpik for me yaaaa hihihihihihh. . go lina go!!

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6

buffet menu kelak...2nd Sept Imperial Hotel

Jeng jeng jeng....... hihihih setelah sekian lamak ku sik update.. bukannya apa, lappy d angkut sai d offshore, so aku tekayang kayang sik tauk mok guna apa...ada 4igek gik pc/lappy kat rumah tok tapi sik juak tepolah polah.. mala jakkkkk maok mukak tapi sik kesampaian, ada ajak nok nyetop nya,..nyemor bajulah, nangga tv la, gurin gurin laa.. kuasa kuasa yang lebeh besar gik maha power ala gaban..So todayyyyyy, dengan sekuat atiku, aku nait tok kak ngemasa dapor kak sahor and terus pinjam pc boy..eeeee i need pc on my own dah lah.. better get one..

owh... aku tek mok molah update on che pun wedding.. apuuuuuuu, today is 11, meaning 20 days to go... bia bena????tapi mcm relaxxx jak kat  rumah tk, atau is it becos banyak barang kmk org polah bit by bit..lagipun hantaran this time terus berik kamarul so maybe ya yang polah less work ehhh..

Menu... Friday malam i donno sapa masak, lupak ku, saturday will be marta catering and reception by imperial..Menu kat imperial ku rasa dah kali ke tah ke brapa betuka... adjust here and there, mesti check kos mun dak daknya padah boleh boleh sekali tangga nok d idang kelak kedak friskies ..So after ke sekian kalinya, presenting jengjeng jengggg... menu for 2nd Sep, Imp Hotel..

Appetizers Station
Green Salad
Gado gado with peanut sauce
Crab stick salad
Cucumber with yoghurt salad
Thai Style Jelly fish
Prawn with honeydew salad
Russian Potato salad
2 type salad dressing

Soup Station
Tom yum soup with seafood

Main Course
Ayam percik
Pan fried Prawn with cereal
Steamed fish with curry sauce
chicken fillet with cashew nut& dry chilli
Black pepper beef
beef lasagna
Stir fried mixed vegetables
Steamed Rice

Dessert  Station
Fresh Fruits plated
Orange pudding
chocolate brownies
Bread pudding with vanilla sauce
cheese cake (baked)
Almond Pie
Cheese Roll
Cream caramel
Honeydew with Sago & Coconut Milk

Freee Flow of ice Lemon Tea &Air Bandung

So... what should i do now? owh...lilit reben kat kotak for gift for i donno untuk siapa gik.. yang mug cantek english roses ya semua ala ala royal albert ya... hhhmmmm.. okeh kelak ku carik gik apa mok update...owh!! baju kawen!!!


Sunday 5 August 2012

Jemputan kawen

Haloooooo. . . baruk jak kak abis sahor. . . mata maok tido tapi nangga mak kat meja tekuit kuit nulis jemputan kawen sik pulang sampe ati ku ninggal mak kedirik. . lalu la ku tek pun tekial kial mok nulis sama. . tp sik tepolah hihihihi. . ngantok bsaaaaaaa. . katokla kak abis mak molah ku tido balit. . .  hihihihi

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6

Tuesday 24 July 2012

tell me apa yng ku polah bila bejalan sorang sorang?hhhmmmmm.  .makan minum bebeli merayap window shop semualah. . .  today ku kat empire,actually want to ho seberang juak tek but dlm tok ajak i already spent more than three hours. .  singgah here and there at the nice restaurants bebeli nice nice cakes n other yummy makan n cuci mata tgk kasut. . only able to cuci mata cos wat i want sik ada size.   im.size three remember?hhhmmm. . hihihihi ok. . will upload tok kelak.  .pix in my bb,now my bb camera pulak yang berolah sik tauk apahal. . huhuhu. . oh ya.,bought sidap punya pavlova and roll fm serai. .  aduhhhhhh. .tell me fren .   how mok diet tok.  .  ?hihihihi. 


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Sunday 15 July 2012

Saturday 14 July 2012

HHHMMMMMMMM..end up with pelamin talk

Im supposed to do update on ce's weddign but demam malas melandalahhhh...i just stare at the lappy, knowing that  banyakkkk yang aku maok update but apakan daya, berat rasa badanku mok angkat...(salah satu punca kenak ku gemok..malas)... hhhmm thinking bout it bukan nya malas but cuma letih dah mok ke hulu hiler tengah malam tok ..esok lah ku update k... menu semua dah settle,  pelamin isok kamarul mok tunjok kan agik, ariya nya terapkan konsep old mansion with the veranda style yang kamek orang maok but unfortunately ce's maseh sik dapat imagine gine actually rupa ya..hhhmmmm personally i still like the veranda ya.. nevertheless yang kamarul ya nang kacak lah...got yhe sketch but i wont put it up yet.. or ever cos that nya pun idea.. unless mun jadi kelak..for rumah the lighting is very important cos we will be using the glass area so takut reflect the matahari segala... settled as uncle bujang dah liaised with Kamarul on how he want it to be done..theme still bunga fushia and light purple and yang sewaktu senegara dengannya..i slot the pix later .. aih.. bukan ku pdah malas tek kah.. now bila dah start sik pande berenti lah pulak..ok we talk on pelamin jak lah today.. let me ambik gambar lok...
aiekkkk ,,,pahal gambar ya pande kat atas ah? hhmmm .. mana manalah.. yang 1st and 3rd ya is how we want it to be kat imperial, yang tengah ya will be kat rumah.. lain dari yang di maok dolok kan... its the size of the dais that kamek orang consider.. yang first dolok nok mcam kakak liyana jasmay ya if make side facing the fish pond ok, but since make the other side with the glass wall, bagus ambik yang sama ngam dengan nya.. baruk kacak...so ce suggest the pelamin.. looks nive , only kelak tuka all the flowers color .. but green ya pun dah cukup cantik bahhhhh.. plus the stage for the hantaran ..hantaran will be 7-9..i saw hantaran to ery yang ce dah beli.. ooooo niceeeee... still donno hows the style of the hantaran look like, but will be using green orchid with maybe black or gray background/cushion? Black will angkat kan?hhhmmmm good idea... so kmk orang bagik to them their theme color and in return ery's side will do hantaran with our theme color..cant wait eh mok tunngu gine rupa nya semua kelak kah.. for diana's wedding last time si puan sri ya semua polah.. which  the very very niceeee... macam sarang burung nok dipolah ada juak mcam rumput ada juak aku pun sik tauk..yang ku tauk semua orang padah kacak.. now semua ya diserah tanggungjawab nya to kamarul so hope he can come out with good idea as well..
Petang kelak he will come to discuss further on the ideas.. harap harap aku sempat cos petang kelak ibuk cleaner merseh opis , so harap harap sempatlah...now tengah ku nekan nekan keyboard tok my hand also gago with my bb.. apasal nya sik update my fb aah? and also my apps world, sik dapat masok...alamat terpaksa la ku delete and reisntall balit apps world ya.. sikkan sik update kottttt... hihiihih ..okei,,,nite nite .. will sambong later late k.. and if tang sik betol jak rupa paragraph and segala ya retinya ku post dari bb, ya sik tentu arah rupanya ya. hihihiih..niteeeee...

p/s.. how to reisntall balit the a.w?omg..