Friday 19 March 2021

Azam tahun baru

Okey frankly, who here who can keep their azam till ,like feb? March?  I salute you..let me put your pic on the wall so that i can idolise you Not even day? Make it two days lah..or at least till i try once , , then pufff..mcm asap fogging dengue fever ya, bila ada kes baru fogging. im like that.. i think im the worst at attention span, nothing can keep my attention ,except for RUN, or A03 fanfics or twitter aus ,anything to do with reading im in. How i can come out with this post? Cos im supposed to do a development plan, which was one hour back, which led me to searching on internet then one thing led to another then another,  which once again prove i bad at dev plan 1, try to tame my attention span. Haaaaa okey ..done. 

Monday 23 March 2020


It has been like what, 4 days? 5 days? .. satu yang bahaya during this lockout is, the only way we can buang boring is to berjalan to our happy place, which is ..our kitchen!!! Macam Cece, hahaha up until today she already buat 3 kek lapis, and another on the way.. me? I do 

Sunday 15 March 2020


Saw this article in Cleo Jan/Feb edition . Since i have Shasha and seems like her gigi might need this in future, i do need to remember this company's name  ..Mana tak we dont know how much will the traditional braces cost in 7 years time.. now dalam 8K to 10K. And Zenyum is at half of the price.. 

So how you do it? Go to their website, see if your a candidate by sending them ur gigi punya gambar. ooooo..only adter they said you are qualified baru you go to their clinic and do appointment.. First part is free according to the article. Hhmmm this is good if you life in KL (i supposed thats where their  dentist will be here in Malaysia). 

The process? Use it every 20 hours a day , and change it every 5 days..oh, and you have to use Zenyum app so you can chat with the team and your dentist.

Okey..i wont put all in otherwise nanti Cleo kata i copy their article lah pulak. Nop,just put it here so that in 7 years time i can read this back . 

Saturday 14 March 2020

Lip balm

Its been few year since i write in here.. been here and there , eat this and that.. Today 14th March 2020, the whole world dalam keadaan kelam kabut due to corona virus. US overcharged the medical bill till their citizen takut maok pergi check , orang yang balik from majlis tabligh kat Sri Petaling mosque brought back the viruses to their own place of origins, lain lagi orang yang lari dont want kena check up..Philippine and Ireland lockup ,which i think they do the right thing so that corona wont spread or paling paling spread slowly..Malaysia? Still sekolah.. ur putting our kids on danger man ( i dont know until when br they want to declare cuti for the kids, until one of their own kena jangkit kot) 

So many things happened , and atas i baru je bebel pasal corona ,belum lagi yang larilah pulakkkkkkkk dari what i want to write actually..jap let me think back..

Okey i know! Its the Himalaya Lip Balm .

 I have been a lippy addict since i dont know when. Collection of matte lipsticks ,lip creams (im into matte right now, no more kilat kilat shiny shiny for me) and lips crayons  are my happy drugs . But with that come dry lips, chapped but the main reason is , i drink sikit water so no, dont blame those lippies. 
So since i sedar diri, i bought lots of lipcare as well. But lipcare, just like when u want to have a glass skin, it has ti be consistent .. and me ,for sone reason, my bibir always kena left out.. and end up , i dont know mana satu yang actually work for me and which is not.

So ,to be proactive,  unlike our gov during this pendamic  time, ( sorry i just still cant accept the fact that companies are asking adult to work from home yet our school lagi bukak macam biasa) i will try this every day..wait..okeyla make it every night.. see will it work or not.. currently actually im using on and off Laneige lip mask. This one i can say that it is superb.  But let me try this Himalaya lip balm first , and see how good it is..

Okey enough for tonight.. nak sambung tengok Mr Sunshine. Oh yaaaaa!!!!! And I became Kdrama fan since Feb 2017..hahaha and BTS since last few week? Hahahahaha xoxo! 

Makan sampai kenyang

While i was attending majlis kahwin pagi tadi,i realised one thing. It has been looooongggg time since i rasa makanan yang betul sedap and original during weddings. Sorry to all the majlis yang i attended these past year, not to blame you cos selalunya food memang dalam package and u cant control how they taste it.. but this one pagi tadi,yang make me said it is original adalah sebab one of the menu on the list  was ikan lumek salai goreng kering sambal..nahhh siap keluar nama ikan sarawakšŸ¤£.  But yes, this was the first time i makan this during wedding and to have it along with rendang and daging hitam was simply yuummmeh. To this i give 5 star to the food. Oh ya, and another thing was the kueh ufo , penyaram .. freshly goreng from outside the hall.. the sweetness, the crunchiness of the tepi tepi yang garing tu,uishhhh..the best penyaram .. i think i need to ask my bil on this person contact number, nak bawa turun miri next time if my family have any big event.. 

To the couple , semoga Allah berkati your life together , bahagia dunia akhirat, murah rezeki dunia akhirat. To the caterer , your menu today nyaman eh kitak pun ikan lumek ya, and to the penyaram guy near the escalator , jangan terkejut if suddenly kitak terimak invitation dari Miri ah.. 


Oh food pic cos busy makan.. hihi

Sunday 17 March 2019

Kajian kes darjah 4?? Wahhhh

It has been a while since i masuk dalam ni and write . But no intro apa segala,ni petang ni i nak tanya , budak budak sekarang darjah 4 memang dah kena bagi kerja kursus nacam kita form 3 dulu ke? It’s kind of fun actually, because follow others education  system pun dia orang dah buat scrap book ..tapi bila i bagi tau shasha it’s kerja kursus/ folio ( ke i yang salah perkataan ni?) her face macam ...blank... tp bila tukar sebut scrap book,her face lit up..hhmmm ..belum lagi masuk bab benda nak buat dalam tu.. hhhmmmm ..i think kids of age 10 belum lagi kot excited nak jumpa guru sekolah buat inerview bagai ( or they dont know they have to do that)

So i pergi la google.. heck dalam google ada contoh tapi pakai conputer semua is it yang buat tu budak tu sendiri kw atau mak bapak dia? I pun nak jugak sebab shasha awal dah kata dia nak pakai laptop buat..( macam pandaiiiii je Anak mommy nak type kan?) Now the argument is kat whatsap tadi ,kan kerja tu kerja kajian kes pertama mereka, and all parents excited nak buat the best for their kids..okey perasan tak..parent nak buat..which include me of course.. so okeylah i told shasha , shasha since its your project tou should write it,handwritten..”okeylah” okey settle ..then,come the hardest part..inti dalam kajian tu..kalau ikut my anak..orang mintak visi dia copy je visi skolah terus..orang mintak misi dia bahi je misi terus..tak susah..part yang kat huhung arahan tu “ nyatakan maksudnya” ....ooohhh that one memang..mana i nak pikir ni..shasha still need to be guided ..cos dia memang tak paham ..and now tengah i buat ni i tengah tunggu shasha to come out with her cogan kata in life..tadi time i explain what is cogan kata dia kelip kelip mata..keluar la segala “ eat till you poop” eat till you get fat”  hahahahha..okey sound ridicolous  but at least she got the hang of finding what is her motto..

Hhhmmmmm ..for introduction of kerja kursus..i think this is expose them .. hasil wise.. the teacher should expect that memang rata rata mak bapak akan tolong the anak buat, if not 50% ,80% kot.. if the hidden objective is to datangkan semangat kerjasama antara ibu anak, ni memang on point dia hit..macam i lah sekarang ni, tengah explain what is goal in life ,study hard study smart meaning kat shasha..

Okey im done for today.macam touch and go pulak kan..


Sunday 23 April 2017

23. April 2017

Today we organized a small doa selamat. Just for family only. Boy's birthday was on the 20th , and since  he also had an accident on the 8th .

The accident that day memang scary. He whatsap me at 11.22 pm telling me to wait for him as he was on the way home. He went together with my cousin. But at 11.44 he was still not yet home , and this made we worry. Miri at night time, 20 minute is enough for you to go from any spot back to your home.

By 1145 i was waiting in front of the cctv, hoping for  the gate to open slowly and a bike appear. i started sending whatsap to him, and the double tick at least lessen the worry. At exactly 12,22, an hour after he whatsap me , he replied.

kmk ke columbia"
"kmk accident tek"

i cant describe my feeling at that time. All these while i only dengar and baca only but today it happen. I quickly tukar my shirt , woke up sai to and ran upstairs to inform my parents. There were no other way to tell them this news so i just told them straight .

No parents will be calm hearing their anak involve in accident. Panic? yes. Takut ? Yes. They both rushed out pasang baju and go straight to the car. My dad insist of him driving , which i actually opposed since i know he mana dapat tengok clear sangat malam. But i just let him drive, end up hampir terlanggar palang depan jalan masuk Columbia Asia. And there we waited till nearly 4 am for both boy and Aen my cousin .

It has been 2 week since the accident. bak kata my aunty, the accident is a blessing in disguise.  She got the comb her son's hair, bath him, assist him eating his food, things that she wanted to  do for them but doesnt get a chance to do so since all of them are adult..

i also believe the same thing. Everything happen with good reason , and Allah is the best planner. And alhamdulillah the extend of the accident was only this much.

Dengar dengar that  sport bike dah nak kena jual?