Saturday 16 August 2014

welcome back dear me

It has been a havoc few months for me. how i manage it im not sure myself but i know i spent a lot on handbags and make up. maybe its my way to channel all the anxiety i have inside. i even open my instashop which i found really addictive for the first few month then i totally tutup kedai cuti due to i cannot help myself but sitting infront of the ipad 25/7 , no more 24/7 and its really not healthy..both physically (i gained a kilo or two?) and also mentally (cos u only want to sell sell sell).
so...out of the blue today i feel like i want to give review on things that i bought. who knows somewhere in the planet maybe got somebody who read this but if not , i still feel relieve cos at least i still can write whatever i want in the post. ..and why does this samsung dont have the auto correct for the spelling? anyway..will start doodling soon...have a great weekend everyone!!!!

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