Sunday 6 October 2013


Tittle sabar , but i think what im going to write memang jauh ke laut...

You know how when we makan gula batu? Im the type who pop the sweet into my mouth , and give me one minute, tadaaaa now you see it now you dont! Once the sweetness of the sweet keluar, the urge to gigit gigit the gula are like soooooo overwhelmed that kalau i dont do i, i feel like ada cacing cacing crawling into my head into my brain seeding the "gigittttttt,gigittttttttt,gigittttttttttt!!!!!!!!!" ..and i will gigit cepat cepat cos i takut the cacing will make poskod at my brain.

But i think memang some of the cacing sudah make their residence at my brain..they are some thing in my life that bila i want i have to get it now and then.. Contohhhhh? Books..makin now with those crazy malay novels , i will go to popular straight away anytime when i feel like reading it..apalagi with now banyak drama slot are from those novels, once i see the trailer in tv, bussshhbedebusshhhh... Straight away cari the buku.. Contoh terdekat..jodoh itu milik kita.. Baru satu hari in astro,i already khatam the novel..

Itu baru satu...belum lagi contoh contoh yang lain..but not all lah..still have to see whether it make sense or not...if i said i want a ferrari now and i mean now, sah sah my hubby will azan me tepi teling takut aku di rasuk jin..

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